RFC 20: "Carmen Shirt" from RFC Archives on Myspace.
Cool Thing Of The Week: We’ve Done Twenty Already!
May 23, 2007 by rudy panucci
Hard to believe, but the twentieth episode of Radio Free Charleston is online now! This was an amazing show to bring to fruition. At times it was like giving birth to a spiked watermelon, but the end result has us all basking in the glow of a show well done.
This episode is “Carmen Shirt,” and the host segments were shot in the White Room at Radio Free Charleston Manor, tucked away in a nearby undisclosed location. Wearing the Carmen shirt was probably the only way we’ll get the lovely Cristina Nassif, who played Carmen last week for the WVSO (Scroll down for photos), to appear on the show. But you never know.
Josh Buskirk is a 12-string wunderkind who blew us away when we taped the Parkersburg show in April. We snagged a second song from Josh, “It Always Rains On Sunday,” at that taping, and bring it to you on this edition of RFC. Josh will be at Taylor Books on Friday, and we wanted to let more people know about his gee-tar wizardry. I know I’ll be there Friday drinking my steamed milk with a shot of almond syrup.
I’m not a coffee person.
>>Our animation on this show is yet to be restored<<
The very first guest on our very first video version of RFC wasWhistlepunk. I wrote about their new incarnation extensivelylast week, and they’ve decided, for the time being, to adopt the moniker “Whistlepunk 2.0,” a name I bestowed upon them in PopCult last April.
In RFC 20, we get to hear Whistlepunk 2.0 perform “Satellite.” We also get to hear Whistlepunk’s guitar and vox man Spencer Elliott struming an embrionic version of the tune over the end credits, in footage shot the day after Christmas at LiveMix Studio last year. It was pure kismet that I found that footage floating around on my hard drive when I was putting the show together around 3:20 AM Tuesday morning.
That’s also about the time I mis-spelled Whistlepunk’sMySpace addy on the screen graphics. Sorry about that, folks. It was freakin’ late, already.
Also of note: Whistlepunk’s Karen Allen chose to wear a hat during her peformance, continuing the RFC tradition of hot chicks in fedoras started by Melanie Larch on the Christmas episode. Bass player Dan Jordan wore a “Charleston” shirt. Drummer Brian Young didn’t dress up. He never does.
That’s our big show number twenty. You get music, animation, surprises and mind-hurting weirdness! And next time we prepare to go weekly for the month of June, with a film about Unicorns, and music from Under The Radar plus loads of fantastic surprises. And remember, watch the whole show.
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The Feast of Stephen