Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Episode 37 of RFC

This week we are going back to March 2008 for “Fantastic Four Shirt,” episode 37 of Radio Free Charleston. This is a very special episode because it features two acts who were alumni of the original RFC radio program, but were just making their first appearance on the video version of the show.  Lady D is, of course, Doris Fields,a legend of the West Virginia music scene. Blue Million was also an RFC radio vet--Their front-man, Alan Griffith, appeared performing solo on one memorable night, backing up me and The Stunning Janice as we butchered Bob Dylan’s “Like A Rolling Stone.”

Also on the this episode is an installment of “The Android Family,” and part four of Frank Panucci’s series of enlightening animation, this episode is called “Porky Bang.”  Host segments were shot at LiveMix Studio's Quarrier Street home.

You can read the orignal production notes below the show, and remember, many of the links are deader than crap.

Production Notes for RFC 37

March 12, 2008 by rudy panucci
It's da Rudy inna sky wit da Blue Million inna corner and Lady D in anudder corner, and some cartoons and an android boy, um huh.
The latest Radio Free Charleston, “Fantastic Four Shirt” isonline now.  This is a very special episode because it features two acts who are alumni of the original RFC radio program, but are making their first appearance on the video version of Radio Free Charleston.  Lady D is Doris Fields, and I first played her music in the fall of 1989 back when 96.1 FM was WVNS, and I got to run wild for a few months in the middle of the night. Blue Million was also on the show back then.  Their front-man, Alan Griffith, also appeared performing solo, and on one memorable night, backing up me and The Stunning Janice as we butchered Bob Dylan’s “Like A Rolling Stone.”