Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Episode Two of RFC

The first episode to be titled after the T Shirt I was wearing was "RVD Shirt," named after the freshly-busted-for-weed-while-the-Champion-of-both-WWE-and-ECW, Rob Van Dam. The orignal headline for this notes, which accompanied the show when it went live on July 25, 2006, was "Behind The Scenes At Radio Free Charleston." Following the video are the original production notes from PopCult. Remember, most links in the production notes are dead, This episode of RFC is not allowed to be posted on YouTube due to complaints about the Batman trailer near the end. Watch to try and figure out why.

RFC 002 "RVD Shirt" from Rudy Panucci on Vimeo.

The second episode of Radio Free Charleston is now online, over at the GAZZ TV page. Check it out and enjoy! Here are some behind the scenes tidbits about the show to enhance your viewing pleasure: 

The shirt I’m wearing is an ECW shirt, featuring Rob Van Dam. I got this at the ECW show in Huntington on July 2. Later that night after leaving the show, Van Dam, at the time both the WWE and ECW Heavyweight champion, was pulled over at a speed trap in Hanging Rock, Ohio and was busted for possession of a certain illicit smokable herb popular with jazz musicians, or so I’ve heard. Wearing the shirt wasn’t necessarily a show of support. I just liked the way it looked.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Episode One of RFC

This was originally posted in PopCult under the headline, "RADIO FREE CHARLESTON IS BACK!"

More than sixteen years after office politics killed Radio Free Charleston, my greatest creation has returned! You can go to this page, click on the little TV, and see the new video webcast of RFC. (A Note: in the pre-YouTube days, RFC was hosted on the Gazette servers. Those links are now dead and the show will be embedded in this post. Don't be shocked if many of the other links in this post are dead. It's been quite some time since the original publication)

Yes, it’s a video show, but we’re calling it “Radio Free Charleston.” I wanted to keep the name, even though technology has caught up to my original vision. RFC will bring you the best music, experimental film and video, and comedy from the Charleston area’s most daring performers and artists. It’ll all be wrapped up in a tight little ten-or-fifteen minute package. I’ll be hosting RFC from various locations around town.

The pilot episode features the alterna-bombastic rock of Whistlepunk and the comedy stylings of the No Pants Players. Coincidentally, I got to enjoy live performances by both last weekend. You can read up on Whistlepunk herehere, and here. I’ve written about the No Pants Players here and here. It was a kick having these two groups of talented folks on the first webcast of RFC. The No Pants Players will be bringing their improv comedy to future episodes on a regular basis, and Whistlepunk will return on future shows as well.

We’re already hard at work on more episodes of RFC, and have an exciting slate of musicians, comedy bits and short filmic fits of weirdness lined up. We’re also working on an amazing scoop for our second episode, which will be ready by the end of the month. So go check out the show, and let us know what you think. And check back here in PopCult for more tales and music from the archives of the original Radio Free Charleston. Later this week, we’ll bring you some vintage Go Van Gogh from 1989.

So go check it out, and feel free to use the comments to let me know what you think.