Monday, September 15, 2014



September 15, 2014 by rudy panucci

Image7The RFC MINI SHOW number thirty-eight, starring Super Heavy Duty, was a real treat to put together. The band is a supergroup consisting of members of The Pistol Whippers, The Tom McGees, Beaver Knievel, and 69 Fingers. 

Two of the members of this band, Bobby Peyton and Brian Holstine, have been RFC favorites since they appeared way back on Episode 8 in 2006. Our cameras were there for the first full blown performance by the band last month at The Empty Glass. It was an unforgettable evening of Ska-Punkabilly explosions and wild, wild music. You can catch Super Heavy Duty this Saturday at 10 PM as they share the stage at The Blue Parrot with Time and Distance and Meet me in The Matinee. Five bucks gets in the door for a night of killer music.

Image6Speaking of our cameras, it was our honor that night to welcome back Steven Allen Adams, who pitched in to run camera three during Super Heavy Duty’s set. Steven has been tied up with other stuff lately but hasn’t lost a step and gave us great camera angles just like he did back when he was a junior RFC Big Shot on Episode 100.

Image5For the first time in years, I employed a split screen technique while editing this video. The reasons for this were twofold. First, I had so many great shots to work with that I didn’t want to leave any out. Second, there are so darned many members in the band that was the only way we could show all of them. Those members of the band are: Adam Dittebrand, Bobby Peyton, Stephen Chapman, Brian Holstine, David Scarpelli, Chris Woodall, and Christopher Itson. Since we recorded them, Stephanie Gale has joined as an additional sax player.

Putting together this episode of the MINI SHOW was a blast. In fact, it was part of a weekend filled with music and illness. I finished up the official music video for Farnsworth (which you can read about HERE) and we recorded The Velvet Brothers Saturday night at Bruno’s. All of this despite your PopCulteer suffering from a nasty summer cold and a nastier allergic reaction. Fortunately, we are now hitting on all cylinders. Which is good, because if all goes according to plan, one week from today the long awaited, much delayed, highly anticipated and heavily procrastinated 200th episode of Radio Free Charleston will be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world.


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