RFC 190 is loaded with Pirates, Monsters, Fairies, Snakes and Bettie Page.
September 16, 2013 by rudy panucci
ShockaCon kicks off on September 20, at the Haunted Barn and at Kanawha Players Theater. There will be live music Friday and Saturday, and the headliners on Saturday, September 21 are The Renfields. This episode of RFC just happens to have previously-unseen footage of The Renfields from last year’s ShockaCon. The band that occupies that special Venn Diagram where The Ramones overlap with The Groovie Ghoulies are represented here with their original song, “Killer Klowns From Outer Space.”
It’s always a treat when we get to have The Renfields on RFC. They will take the stage at ShockaCon 9 PM Saturday night. We will be recording at ShockaCon for our two Halloween shows. There is a minor mistake in the credits regarding The Renfields this episode. The song they perform was written by Dick Ramses Renfield. I mistakenly credited it to Dirk Ramses Renfield. I can only chalk it up to me mixing it up because of the famous actor, Dirk Ramses.
Decomposing In Paris is a band from Ireland that found their way to The Empty Glass a few weeks ago. Their music is ethereal, trippy and it has a beat. It’s unlike anything we’ve had on the show. Two Irish natives and one fairy-winged expatriate from Ashland, Kentucky, currently living in Belfast, make up this band. Radio Free Charleston is fortunate to bring you Decomposing In Paris with “The Way It Is.”
The Dread Crew of Oddwood is a band of pirates from San Diego who sing of their adventures on the high seas using their own style of music that they call “Heavy Mahogany.”
The RFC crew recorded The Dread Crew of Oddwood as they plundered The Empty Glass last month, and in this show you’ll hear them performing “Meat, Bread and Wine.” Note that I mangled the song title somewhat in my intro and in the credits, leaving out the “and.” Apologies all around because that totally changes the meaning.
Playing over the end credits this week is Snakebox, who return after their debut in the previous episode of Radio Free Charleston. This eclectic band performs lead singer, Kevin Crump’s, original song, Dead Planet.
Radio Free Charleston will return in October with two full-sized Halloween episodes. In the meantime, the PopCult blog will treat you to several episodes of the RFC MINI SHOW, which brings you extra bite-sized bits of video goodness from bands that we’ve recorded for RFC. In the coming weeks we will have MINI SHOWs featuring Zeroking,Decomposing in Paris, The Dread Crew of Oddwood and Snakebox. Details can be found at our Facebook page.
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