QIET and Mother Nang on RFC 186
June 17, 2013 by rudy panucci
Welcome to the first Radio Free Charleston of summer (almost). This week we bring you new music from two RFC veterans, QIET and Mother Nang, plus we take an animated look at the newly-erected East End Main Street Streetworks project street signs, but first we take a look at “The Princess of Rome, Ohio,” opening June 28 at The Alban Arts Center in St. Albans.
It’s a backwoods romance by West Virginia native, Jonathan Joy. The Alban Arts Center presents “The Princess of Rome, Ohio” on June 28 and 29 and July 4 and 6 at 8 PM, and June 30 and July 7 at 2 PM.This romantic comedy, with some rough language, is directed by Tara Phares-Pauley and stars Megan Murphy Mace, Lisa Anderson Gandee, John Halstead, Johnny Halsted, Adam Bryan and Zoe Scarborough. Tickets are $15 and you can find out more info at The Alban Arts Center website.
In a short time, QIET has become one of the most impressive bands in the state. Their cabaret for a new age has produced some amazing musical experiences and they are on the “must-see” list for any lover of local music. Thanks to kickstarter, they will being going into the studio soon to record a new album with producer, Eddie Ashworth,who has worked with Sublime and Pennywise.
We bring you two tunes by the band this week. Of note is our old friend, Casi Null, filling in on bass, hiding behind a mustache. Also, this was recorded with Steven Allen Adams behind camera three, and with James Vernon Brown at the mixing console.
Last year, Charleston’s East End Main Street commissioned local artists to create artworks that would be displayed on lamposts in Charleston’s historic East End. I was lucky enough to be one of the chosen artists, and last year’s signs have recently been installed. The project was so popular that they are doing it again this year. The original art for the 2013 signs will be auctioned off for the benefit of EEMS on June 23 at Habitat ReStore, during FestivAll. You can visit the EEMS website and bid early. In this week’s show we take a quick look at the already-erected signs with a musical collaboration between Greg Wegmann and RFC host Rudy Panucci that took six years to finish.
We are once again lucky enough to feature a performance by Mother Nang, a band of musicians who have a history that reaches back to the RFC radio show. One of them, Brian Young. is am RFC Big Shot. The band made their first appearance on the show way back on episode eight, but all four members showed up in different bands in our first two shows.
Mother Nang recently played an unplugged set at The Empty Glass, and we bring you Spencer Elliott, Jay Lukens, Deron Sodaro and Brian Young one more time. On this night, camera three was handled by Flare Baroshi, and Andrea Anderson provided the house mix.
Our host segments this week were shot behind the Alban Arts Center, moments after we recorded the preview of “The Princess of Rome, Ohio.” Our title shirt is a Regular Show shirt that was found at Gabriel Brothers. Your host, Rudy Panucci, looks like hell this week, wearing a shirt three sizes too big for him, but when you can get a cool shirt for four bucks, nobody really cares how it looks.
Radio Free Charleston returns in two weeks with our seventh anniversary special, featuring an internationally-worshipped musician, recorded in an intimate setting.
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