The Carpenter Ants, Time and Distance and More on RFC 184
April 29, 2013 by rudy panucci
Radio Free Charleston 184, “Sherlock Shirt,” was shot all over the city of Charleston and features the RFC debuts of both The Carpenter Ants and Time and Distance. Plus we have a song from Joseph Hale (in a music video by Murfmeef) and a preview of the Alban Arts Center production of Edward Albee’s “A Delicate Balance” as well as brand new animation fromFrank Panucci.
The Carpenter Ants were recorded performing their song “Blessing” at the East End Bazaar on opening day of the 2013 season, April 27, 2013. This veteran band was not quite at full strength since their sax player and vocalist Charlie Tee was on the sidelines, but we were still long overdue in having this veteran band, a mainstay of the Charleston music scene for 26 years, on RFC.
Michael Lipton has been a friend of Radio Free Charleston since way back in our radio days, and it’s great to finally have him on the show in a non-archival performance. Jupie Little handles lead vocals on “Blessing,” while Michael and Ted Harrison provide the harmonies. The Carpenter Ants play all over the state and beyond, so the best way to keep up with them is via their Facebook page. You can buy their new CD at their website.
Another veteran Charleston band, Time and Distance, make their debut this week with the song “There Is Nothing I Hate More Than The DMV.” We recorded this just a couple of weeks ago at the world famous Empty Glass and we were lucky to catch Time and Distance during a brief stay at home between national tours.
On May 5, Time and Distance will be shooting a new music video at a house party. Check out the Facebook events page to see how you can get involved, and like their regular Facebookpage to keep up with their tour dates. And while you’re at it, go buy their new EP at Bandcamp. It’s terrific!
It’s a testament to how strong the Charleston music scene is that, nearly seven years in, there are still high quality veteran bands that are just now making their RFC debuts.
We open the show this week with a preview of the Alban Arts Center production of Edward Albee’s “A Delicate Balance.” This clip features RFC’s Resident Diva, Melanie Larch, along with an extremely talented cast who wonderfully bring to life Edward Albee’s Pulitzer-winning script. It’s wonderful that the Alban is presenting such challenging and intelligent drama as this and their recent productions of “Richard III” and “Waiting For Godot.” Such theatrical daring should be encouraged at every turn.
Our animation this week is “Car Dozer,” a brand new work of CGI silliness from RFC Big Shot Frank Panucci. Make sure you stick around because there’s a false finish on this one. Uh…also stick around because the animation comes on halfway through the show and there’s two full songs after it.
Playing us out this week is a music video by none other thanMurfmeef, featuring Joseph Hale’s brilliant pop song, “Serene,” brought to life as a brilliant interpretive dance by Philip Tice. Joseph is currently playing in Appalachian Criminal. Longtime RFC viewers may recognize this song from episode 73 when Hale’s former band, Ovada, performed it.
Our title shirt this week came from a grab bag, so I’m not sure who did the design, but it’s all Sherlocky and stuff.
That’s the dirt behind the scenes on this week’s show. Check PopCult regularly for news on our next episode, along with really cool news on toys, comics, books, local shows and anything else I feel like writing about.
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